The activities of DOLFIN project are organized in 6 work packages, as follows:
- WP1: Project coordination and management
- WP2: Business modelling, use cases, requirements and system architecture
- WP3: Data Centre energy consumption optimization platform (eCOP)
- WP4: Synergetic Data Centres for energy efficiency
- WP5: System integration, trials and performance evaluation
- WP6: Innovation exploitation and impact creation

WP1: Project coordination and management
WP1 provides a professional project management that controls the work-plan execution, facilitates the efficient collaboration between partners, supervises the quality of results and addresses effectively risks. WP1 will accomplish all necessary administrative tasks, provide regular and instructive progress reports to the European Commission, manage the produced knowledge, control the intellectual property rights, supervise the technical progress and certify its adherence to the scientific objectives of the project, assure that potential conflicts are resolved on time and mitigate risks or deviations related to planned activities, costs and resources.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D1.1 | DOLFIN e-mail reflector document repository and collaboration site | R | CO | 1 | D1.2 | Project handbook quality plan and risk management | R | CO | 2 | D1.3 | DOLFIN website | O | PU | 2 | D1.4 | 1st Year Periodic progress report | R | CO | 12 | D1.5 | 2nd Year Periodic progress report | R | CO | 24 | D1.6 | Final progress report | R | CO | 36 |
WP2: Business modelling, use cases, requirements and system architecture
WP2 makes the primary analysis and provides the key information for building the DOLFIN system. WP2 will focus on defining the driving business use cases, capture the user requirements and deliver an integrated architecture for the DOLFIN system. WP2 is responsible to:
- Specify usage scenarios and develop detailed use cases to drive the validation process.
- Analyse multi-stakeholder business and market scenarios and identify potential market changes arising out of the researched options.
- Capture user and system requirements, as mandated by the DC operators.
- Define the overall system architecture and the interactions between DOLFIN’s system components.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D2.1 | Business scenarios and use case analysis | R | PU | 4 | D2.2 | DOLFIN requirements and system architecture | R | PU | 12 |
WP3: Data Centre energy consumption optimization platform (eCOP)
WP3 is responsible to deliver the detailed design and implementation, including unit testing, of the following DOLFIN components: i) ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor, and ii) Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator. The work in WP3 involves functional design, implementation and unit testing activities. WP3 builds on the architectural outcome and specifications of WP2. WP3 is divided in following activities:
- Definition of internal details and implementation of the ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor.
- Detailed design and implementation of the Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator component.
- Specification and prototyping of a water cooling system for blade servers.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D3.1 | Data Centre energy consumption optimization platform (eCOP) (Design) | R | PU | 17 | D3.2 | Water Cooling Server module (Implementation) | O | CO | 24 | D3.3 | ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor component (Implementation) | O | CO | 27 | D3.4 | Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and | O | CO | 28 | Actuator component (Implementation) |
WP4: Synergetic Data Centres for energy efficiency
WP4 is responsible to deliver the detailed design and implementation, including unit testing, of the following DOLFIN components: i) Workload and VM Manager, ii) Smart Grid Controller, and iii) SLA Renegotiation Controller. This work-package includes the development of the following core functionalities:
- Transferring the workload and VMs between DCs, in alternate locations.
- Energy stabilisation through the interaction with the Smart Grid network.
- SLA renegotiation process between DC and their clients and between co-operating DCs.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D4.1 | Synergetic Data Centres for energy efficiency (Design) | R | PU | 17 | D4.2 | Smart Grid Controller component (Implementation) | O | CO | 24 | D4.3 | SLA Renegotiation Controller component (Implementation) | O | PU | 27 | D4.4 | Workload and VM Manager component (Implementation) | O | CO | 28 |
WP5: System integration, trials and performance evaluation
WP5 define an extensive set of functionalities and performance tests to evaluate the individual DOLFIN components and the overall system. These tests will address the business cases that are driving the project and confirm that the requirements captured are adequately tackled by the adopted architecture. After integrating DOLFIN components and providing a fully functional system on the testbeds, WP5 will execute the scenarios and carry out the respective evaluation of results.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D5.1 | Testbed description and testing scenarios | R | PU | 24 | D5.2 | DOLFIN system integration & evaluation | R | PU | 36 |
WP6: Innovation exploitation and impact creatio
WP6 is responsible to disseminate and exploit the technological advancements of DOLFIN, and create new or better business opportunities for the partners, individually and as a consortium, and make considerable contributions to standardisation. The WP will be divided in specific tasks for:
- Analyse the current and emerging market trends in the areas of energy efficiency strategies for DCs.
- Define a detailed exploitation plan for the project consortium, as a whole, and for each partner individually, depending on its particular interests in the project.
- Define the strategy on how to provide useful feedback to standardisation bodies. DOLFIN has identified some standardisation organisations such as IETF Energy Management (eman) working group, ETSI Technical Committee “Environmental Engineering” (TC-EE), EU Code of Conduct for DCs, ITU-T Future Networks Group and ITU-T SG5 group. DOLFIN will follow the work of those organisations and try to influence them, based on the results of the project.
Deliverable | Title | Nature | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date |
D6.1 | Exploitation dissemination and standardization strategy | R | CO | 12 | D6.2 | Dissemination and Standardisation strategy | R | PU | 12 | D6.3 | Dissemination and Standardisation initial results | R | PU | 24 | D6.4 | Exploitation plans | R | CO | 36 | D6.5 | Dissemination and Standardisation results | R | PU | 36 |