December 1, 2016
Publication of “D4.4 – Implementation of Cross DC Workload Orchestrator and
VM Manager”
This document presents the design and implementation attributes and a technical description of the Cross DC Orchestrator, the VM Manager, the Monitoring Data Collector, and the DOLFIN Info Data-base design and implementation. The purpose of these modules is to enable cross Data Centre in-teroperability.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D4.4_FF
December 1, 2016
Publication of “D4.2 – Smart Grid Controller (Implementation)”
This report is a companion document to the deliverable D4.2, which is the Smart Grid component implementation and presents the implementation attributes of the Smart Grid Controller. The Smart Grid Controller acts as the component that integrates the DOLFIN platform with the Smart Grid network. The purpose of this component is to be able to interact with the energy related requests from the Smart Grid side.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D4.2_UCL_FF
December 1, 2016
Publication of “D3.4 – Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator component
This document provides a detailed description of each modules parts of the Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator, with description of the interfaces and the interactions with other modules.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D3.4_FF
December 1, 2016
Publication of “D3.3 – ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor component
This deliverable provides a detailed description of the modules that form part of the ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor, together with the interfaces and the interactions with other modules, as well as the implementation explanation of each of the modules of this part of the DOLFIN system.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D3.3_FF
December 1, 2016
Publication of “D3.2 – Water cooling server module”
Deliverable D3.2 is an implementation deliverable, meaning that this deliverable is actually the implementation of a water cooling prototype subsystem tailored for the Data Center (DC) server ecosystem.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D3.2_SYN_FF
October 18, 2016
Publication of “D5.2 – DOLFIN system integration & evaluation”
This deliverable presents the results of integration, validation, and performance evaluations of the mechanisms implemented within the DOLFIN project.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D5.2_FF
October 18, 2016
Publication of “D6.5 – Final dissemination and standardization results”
This deliverable presents the final results and activities performed for dissemination and standardisation of the DOLFIN consortium.
We listed the dissemination channels, results and activities that consortium has carried during the life of the project and we presented a list of the main dissemination activities performed where we presented DOLFIN consortium’s point of view. During the lifetime of the consortium members have published: 4 white papers, 1 transaction paper, 1 Journal /magazine paper, 15 conference papers. We presented our standardization results and activities performed. During the life time of the project the consortium members have: (i) monitored the work progress in 19 relevant defacto / dejure SDOs Standard Organisations (SDOs) and open source projects; (ii) actively participate in the activities of 4 relevant defacto / dejure SDOs; (iii) contributed to 5 relevant published standard documents.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D6.5_FF
January 28, 2016
Publication of “D4.3 – SLA Renegotiation Controller component”
This deliverable describes the SLA Renegotiation Controller detailed functional design, the implementation and the external interfaces of this module. The SLA Renegotiation Controller interacts with the Monitoring and Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuators using a message exchange protocol (AMQP). Based on agreed messaging patterns, this component reads/receives a number of key monitored measurements parameters, computes and validates the state of energy impact (formally defined in SLA policies) and of energy efficiency conditions, and finally, generates the instructions to be sent to the Policy Maker & Actuators via the same messaging facility.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D4.3_FF
November 10, 2015
Publication of “D6.3 – Dissemination and Standardization Initial Result”
This deliverable is part of Work Package 6 “Innovation exploitation and impact creation” and defines the project strategy, roadmap and results for the dissemination and standardisation activities. The dissemination roadmap is based on the expected project outputs, and it includes:
- Reports: a short description of all activities that each partner might perform during the life cycle of the project.
- Press releases and Whitepapers: introducing the project vision and strategy, the key developments undertaken and the accomplished results
- Presentations of the project and its results: to be presented by the project speakers for each presentation of the project they will make
- Poster/brochure: to be used for project dissemination by consortium partners
- Moreover a project Web Site and others communication tools (such as social network groups) will be used as primary means for the dissemination.
Regarding scientific dissemination, an internal project tracking system is created, where relevant events (exhibitions, conferences, workshops, journal’s/magazine’s CFPs) of the project is maintained.
This deliverable includes the current results and a plan for the standardisation activities, where a comprehensive list of standardisation landscape defacto & dejure bodies is identified. For each of them, potential contribution activities will be reported and updated during the lifetime of the project.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D6.3_UCL_FF
November 10, 2015
Publication of “D5.1 – Testbed description and testing scenarios”
This deliverable provides a detailed description of the testing methodology to be employed during integration, verification and demonstration of DOLFIN as a system and of the testbeds provided for such tasks by the participating partners.
The document is organized so as to provide:
- A general description of DOLFIN’s business objectives and identification of key features that are central to the integration process and are to be demonstrated in the testing phase.
- A definition of testing measurements that serve as quantifiable indicators of the satisfiability of testing scenario outcomes.
- A specification of the organization of testing measurements into testing objectives, high-level aggregation of measurements that are designed in line with the DOLFIN use cases to unambiguously verify DOLFIN’s operation.
- The design of testing scenarios, based on DOLFIN use cases and specific testing objectives that will be employed during the integration process and that can also be used for DOLFIN demonstration.
- The outline of the testing plan for DOLFIN, containing the different testing phases for DOLFIN and the specific modules that are to be integrated in each phase.
- The detailed setup and operation of the testbeds that will be used for integration and demonstration purposes.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D5.1_GRNET_FF_final
April 30, 2015
Publication of “D3.1 – Data Centre energy consumption optimization platform (eCOP) Design”
The document D3.1 focuses on the detailed design specification attaining the functionalities, interfaces and relations to the requirements of the “Data Centre energy Consumption Optimisation Platform” (eCOP). It is complemented by D4.1, which instead focuses on “Synergetic Data Centres for energy efficiency” functions, interfaces and links with requirements. Common design artefacts pertaining to both WP3 and WP4 work are presented in both deliverables D3.1 and D4.1 This document first presents the DOLFIN architecture (Section 1) as has been updated during the last few months during which the detailed architecture design processes were active. Then, a reference to the energy models that will be used in the deduction procedures related to determine real time DC status in eCOP, followed by a common WP3-WP4 part referring to interface design technologies is given in Chapter 2. Section 3 details the internal design of each eCOP module, and specifically the ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor, Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator, and the water cooling system. In general, this document explores and expands the results of previous high level architecture design deliverables produced in DOLFIN (i.e. D2.2), and further refines DOLFIN platform requirements. In particular, it is primarly focused on the following tasks:
- ICT Performance and Energy Supervisor module
- Energy Efficiency Policy Maker and Actuator
- eCOP Monitor Database
- Cooling Subsystem
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D3.1_NXW_FF-20150430
April 30, 2015
Publication of “D4.1 – Synergetic Data Centres for energy efficiency (SDC)(Design)”
This deliverable is the detailed design specification of SDC “Synergetic Data Centres” part of the consolidated DOLFIN architecture as developed in the WP4. In addition to the presentation of the SDC components detailed specification, their interworkings interfaces and they relationship to the requirements a number of topics addressing both WP4 and WP3 developments have been tacked, including a consolidation of the DOLFIN Software Platform, a presentation of the basic control flows governing the interoperability of the eCOP “energy Consumption Optimization Platform” (WP3) and SDC (WP4) subsystems, and a presentation of the energy models to be used in all DOLFIN optimization processes.
The document starts with a consolidation of the aforementioned common topics, in chapters 1 – 3. The detailed specification of the SDC components and their interworking characteristics are presented in chapter 4. The appendices contain detailed specifications of the interworking interfaces for eCOP and SDC components respectively. Specifically regarding chapter 5, three main sub-sections are given:
- SDC functional description
- Modules interfaces
- Internal design for cross-DC and Smart Grid specific modules
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D4.1_UCL_FF-20150430
September 30, 2014
Publication of “D2.2 – DOLFIN requirements and system architecture”
The deliverable D2.2 “DOLFIN requirements and system architecture” is parts of Work Package 2” within the FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 DOLFIN project. DOLFIN aims to significantly contribute towards improving the energy efficiency of Data Centres and the stabilization of Smart Grids, across networks of Data Centres and Smart Grids, following a holistic approach. DOLFIN will model, monitor, and measure energy consumption and enable seamless, autonomic migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) between servers of the same DC or across a group of energy-conscious, synergetic DCs. The goal is to:
- optimize the overall energy consumption by dynamically changing the percentage of active versus stand-by servers and the load per active server in a DC, and
- stabilize the Smart Grid energy distribution, under peak load and increased demand, by dynamically changing the energy consumption/ production requirements of the local DCs.
The main purpose of this deliverable can be summarized as the presentation of the detailed description of a system architecture and of the main requirements for scenarios and use-cases related to the DOLFIN project.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D2.2_UCL_30-09-2014_FF
February 28, 2014
Smart City Cluster Collaboration
“Existing Data Centres energy metrics – Task 1”
This document is a common deliverable of the Smart City Cluster of projects which includes the following projects: DC4Cites, DOLFIN, GEYSER, GENIC, RenewIT, GreenDataNet, All4Green and CoolEmAll. The scope of this document is to present a consolidated list of existing data center related energy measurements and metrics representative for all parameters monitored by the projects part of the Smart city cluster collaboration. Chapter 2 presents a classification of the energy metrics and Chapter 3 presents the consolidated list of energy metrics. The document was continuously updated and consolidated based on the input provided by cluster partners who are working on Task 1 – Identify existing metrics. The consolidated version of the document will be used as a baseline for Task 2 – Analyse the consolidated list of metrics and methodologies and determine their limitations and weak points.
Deliverable resource: Task 1 – List of DC Energy Related Metrics Final
February 7, 2014
Publication of “D2.1 – Business scenarios and use case analysis”
In the context of Work Package 2 “Business modelling, use cases, requirements and system architecture”, the Dolfin Consortium has released the first public deliverable “D2.1 Business scenarios and use case analysis”. The main purposes of this deliverable was to insure a comprehensive list of business scenarios and use cases related to DOLFIN project. Such a description was achieved via a workflow that is outlined in the following topics:
- Identification of the most typical business objectives for Data Centre Operator
- Identification of the state-of-art of the technology involving Data Centre operations and selection of the most promising technology enablers that will be used in DOLFIN framework
- Definition of the state-of-art of business models for Data Centre Operators
- Definition of actors involved in DOLFIN operation framework
- Business scenario and use-cases definition
- Data Centre Metrics and KPI relevant for DOLFIN project
- Analysis of use-cases using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method.
The Business scenario and the use-cases definition achieved comes from real-world considerations, taking into account the state of art of actual Data Centre technologies and business objectives, highlighting on one hand the major drawbacks of actual technologies and on the other hand the potential for the implementation of DOLFIN. The QFD analysis has been introduced to better analyse the correlations between the business objectives/problems and the technology enablers and also between the business scenarios/problem and the technology enablers, to evaluate the impact of each technology enabler to solve each problem as a business objective / scenario objective.
Deliverable resource: DOLFIN_D2.1_IRT_FF_20140207